Time-Definite Shipments for Gulf-wide Businesses
Two things of top concern when you send a document or parcel are - on-time secure delivery and transparency in tracking your delivery.
With the Express services offered by Naqel Express that’s exactly what you are assured of.
With us you are in control from choosing the service you need to the real-time tracking of your delivery.
With us you are in control from choosing the service you need to the real-time tracking of your delivery.

Our Core Capabilities
• On-time delivery (average of 95%) reaching remotest of destinations (4900 delivery points in Saudi Arabia)
• LTL trucks utilization 80%
• Ability to track your shipment stop-points in real-time
• Claims are rare (0.02%)
• Flexibility to move different types of general cargo (size, packages etc)
• Capability of moving time-sensitive less than truck load (LTL) 35 Kgs+
• Warehouses, infrastructure, distribution hubs, clearance facilities at the airports
• Next day delivery within main cities in KSA
• Call centre and after sales support
• LTL trucks utilization 80%
• Ability to track your shipment stop-points in real-time
• Claims are rare (0.02%)
• Flexibility to move different types of general cargo (size, packages etc)
• Capability of moving time-sensitive less than truck load (LTL) 35 Kgs+
• Warehouses, infrastructure, distribution hubs, clearance facilities at the airports
• Next day delivery within main cities in KSA
• Call centre and after sales support
The Terms and Conditions of The Express
Waybill: A non-negotiable document attached with the shipment from the original destination of the shipment to the intended/requested destination and shall be treated as a Carriage agreement for the shipment.
Parcels: Every postal package, box, bag, box wrapping and/or any other material; containing goods or objects/materials that do not have the properties of messages, and in accordance with the conditions and descriptions set by the Authority in agreement with the General Authority for Transport.
ODA- Out Of Daily delivery Area: the locations/area of delivery beyond daily basis delivery, and may be scheduled according to the service’s provider’s approved schedule..
POD- Proof Of Delivery : An acknowledgment of consignee on Delivery Note or Waybill or any other document or evidence substantiating consignee’s acknowledgment at the time of delivery. Proof can be established by electronic signature or any other means which NAQEL deems sufficient. Receipt is considered an acknowledgment of the implementation of the service without any concerns.
Receiver/ Consignee: Intended receiver or consignee as per the Waybill.
Sender: Original sender/ consignor as per the Waybill, which may be the shipper itself, its representatives or assigns, or anyone that has due capacity/ delegated to send shipments based on its affiliation to the shipper.
Return To Origin (RTO)/ Undeliverable Parcel: Attempted shipments delivery by the service provider in which the shipment eventually proved beyond due delivery attempts.
Discarded parcel: Undelivered/failure to deliver parcel to addressee by service provider followed by the expiry period of keeping the postal due to unrelated reasons/causes to the Service Provider.
Credit note: A document issued to the shipper in events where the shipper is entitled to compensation, related to the objected invoice, either in form of whole or in part of the amount of the objected invoice, according to the value of the damage. Such compensation shall not extend to monetary compensation.
2- Waybill Information:
• The shipper must provide the service provider with data related to the shipment and the shipper therefore acknowledges that such data will be used to assist the movement of the shipment.
• If shipments do not conform to the declaration or contain dangerous goods or prohibited materials, this constitutes a fundamental breach of the Agreementual terms.
• Un-declared contents must not be shipped on service provider network.
• Sender shall ensure to cooperate in any investigation that may arise out of false declaration.
3-Parcel inspection and security:
• Under the case of inspections, official authorities may inspect the shipments such authorities / governmental bodies may include-security forces, police forces, highway police, any national authority, either directly or indirectly related to the security and safety.
• Shipper shall certify that all shipments are aligned and in compliance for transportation in Service provider network and are by national, regulations.
• The Shipper will ensure to comply with security regulations at all times.
4-Shipping declarations:
• Sender shall be fully responsible for all fines and penalties incurred by service provider as a result of the sender’s false declaration.
• In the event where the shipment is not aligned with the shipper’s declarations and/or contained/was containing hazardous and/or restricted goods, shall be considered as a breach of this Agreement.
• Sender shall ensure to cooperate in any investigation that may arise out of false declaration.
• Packaging the parcel in travel good packing material is the responsibility of the Shipper.
6-Parcels abandonments:
• In the event of the parcel delivery failure to the addressee or the sender, or failure to collect shipment fees and/or (90) ninety days have passed from the date of the shipment delivery deadline, and NAQEL seeks during that period to reach the sender or the addressee to deliver the shipment or collect its fee And it was announced according to the directives of the competent government agencies, and there was no positive response from the sender or the addressee. In this case, NAQEL has the right, after the expiration of the period stipulated above, to sell the local shipment, and destroying or selling them if they are not local. In addition to the transportation service fees, the carrier company has the right to collect a fee for storing and keeping the shipment in the company's warehouses for each day during that period as agreed upon.
• Service provider may destroy perishable shipments before the expiration of the ninety (90) days period stipulated above.
• If the Shipper decides to instruct NAQEL to abandon the shipment, the shipment will be disposed/destroyed, at NAQEL’s discretion. In this case, the Shipper remains liable for the transportation charges, if the shipment is undeliverable due to reasons caused by the Shipper or Consignee. The shipper also owns the responsibility of informing NAQEL, on any special disposal instructions.
7- Return Procedures (RTO):
• NAQEL will send the shipment out for delivery for the agreed standard number of attempts, up to 14 days from Pickup date. One day is reserved for the RTO processing after that period.
• The above Initial Deadline can be extended based on instructions from shipper or consignee requesting future delivery or self-collection of the shipment from NAQEL’s outlet. In such case, NAQEL will grant an Extended Deadline for up to 25 days from the pick-up date for the delivery to be achieved as per the said instructions. Instructions of Receiver shall always be prioritized in case of contradicting with Shipper’s instructions in all aspects of delivery arrangements.
• If no such instructions are received and the initial deadline (20 days) passes, NAQEL will automatically process the shipment for RTO immediately.
8- Trade Mark and intellectual property:
• All intellectual property rights provided under this Agreement remain the property of the Provider and shall include without limitation to designs, plans, documents, data, specifications, development or improvement services, or reports that are being developed by the shipper or its subAgreementors for the benefit of the Provider in which the shipper shall refrain from usage, re-usage, copy or distribute without the written consent of the Provider.
• The sender authorizes the service Provider to use the trademark and commercial identity of the shipper for the purpose of enforcing the obligations contained in this Agreement.